Dune Casu


Dune’s first foray into commercial games was starting Funselektor fresh from game programming school with the title, Absolute Drift in 2015. After its release, he built a camper van to go on adventures through North America, while creating of art of rally, which launched in 2020.

Friedel Verpoort


Friedel is a programmer that loves creating games more than playing them and loves a good challenge. His previous experience includes Forza Street, and six projects porting Orange Pixel games to Switch. He joined the Funselektor crew one week before art of rally launched and has enjoyed the ride ever since. When he's not behind his desktop (where he mostly resides) he does his best to enjoy life to the fullest.

Vyacheslav "Tatreal" Koristov


Slava is a self-employed sound designer from Ukraine, specializing in electronic music. With a focus on motorsport videos and ads, Slava has crafted original soundtracks and sound effects, including his notable work on the critically acclaimed game, art of rally.

Boyan Bratanov

Quality Assurance and Community Management

Boyan is committed to ensuring top-notch quality and nurturing a lively community. Combining technical expertise with creative flair, he's always eager to hunt bugs and engage with dedicated players. As he likes to say, “Break games, not hearts.”


Chris Taljaard

Virtual Photography

Tetiana Bertrand
